LP Ancient Greek App yorumlar


I love this app, and the Latin one too. Well done!

Useful, small complaint

Thus far this seems to facilitate my learning of Greek very well. One thing that bothers me is how they put the first person verbs in vocabulary into the English infinitive rather than "I _." To learn Greek you have to think Greek, I don't like throwing to in front of a verb when that's just wrong. Otherwise, the app is useful for learning forms and what not.

It is soooooo good

Even though it cost money is the bestI mean some timee I want to talk to myself wn d I got to tell you something Ancient Greek is the thing It’s not on Google Translate so I can talk to myself in Peace


A friendly app for beginners


Really Worker.

I Cannnot play on my iPod touch...



It’s a very convenient way to learn Ancient Greek. No mucking about with flash cards.

Great app!

I’m reviewing schoolboy Greek and this app is ideal. It has great content and encourages diligence.

Love it

I can’t say enough...I use it for practice all the time

Helps build sight word vocabulary!

Love it ❤️

Useful, usable and rigorous

Makes drilling vocabulary and inflections painless.


Always a good time to learn a dead language.

Love it...

I can't say enough good things about it..It's fantastic!!

I dunno

Honestly, this app doesn’t work for me. I just got it not ten minutes ago and I already want a refund. I go on there and I select verbs and it starts asking me these hard questions. I have no idea about the language- thats why I want to learn it. So, if you already know the language and just want to brush up, this is perfect for you. I have no idea what the alphabet is or anything- how the letters are pronounced- my knowledge of ancient greek is the size of a molecule.It just bombardes me with questions without saying anything to me and I’m like, how the heck am I supposed to know??? So, beginners I would definitely not get this app. For those who already know at least the alphabet, that decision lies on you. So yeah.

You should be able to reset your score.

It’s a good, simple, effective method, but I don’t like the way you can’t re-set your score. So, even though your knowledge improves, the score forever decreases even if you learn from your mistakes. That’s not a helpful learning tool.

Liberation Philology Greek

These programs are certainly the best for rigorous but painless drilling on vocabulary and grammar basics. I love learning languages and these are treasures!

Great reference

App contains a resourceful reference and helpful tests. It makes learning easier!

Best Greek App

By far the best app for learning and improving Greek. I love the function of quizzing noun, verb, and participle declensions.

Perfect for Greek learners!

Great for practice and review. I highly recommend it.

Could be better

I was really excited about this app and was even willing to pay $4 for it, but when I started learning, there was no introduction to the Greek alphabet or anything to help me out. The reference is useless because there is no pronounciatiom guide. I highly suggest adding some voice element to it.

I quite like it

Useful tool to memorize vocabulary and forms. More colors and a swifter evolution from one level to the other would be very much appreciated.

Simple and Effective

If you are looking for an app that goes beyond vocabulary to parsing, then this is the one. Simple to use and beautiful to look at.

Very helpful!

As a beginner, this proved an incredibly valuable tool when studying for tests

Quite useful

Quite good, have some suggestions though: 1. The ability to exclude vocabulary words you already know - they get tedious when you see them over and over again when you only want to learn certain words. 2. An option to also review more than one level's vocab words at a time, let's say I want my flashcards to spit level 1 and 2 at me to truly review them altogether. Love the app though!


This is great. Just what I need - lots of drills. It tells you the grammar and vocabulary, and then lets you drill until you know it. Well worth the money if you are serious about learning ancient Greek. It will teach you many thousands of vocab words, from what I can tell. Each level has 8 at a time, and it looks like it has about 550 levels. Tons of grammar too.

Outstanding resource

This app is a delight to use--definitely the best Ancient Greek app I've encountered. Well organized, comprehensive multiple choice tests help parsing verbs and increase vocabulary.


I can't believe I blew $3.99 on this! There are no lessons. They show you words or parts of speech. You guess the meaning. They show you the correct answer. Yes, with enough repetition, I suppose you learn a little, but it's incredibly boring. I'm deleting it.


The program runs smooth, and seems to have some polish. Very neat design. It's very helpful to be able to test all those paradigms in a multiple choice setting. Love the vocabulary too.

Good Clean App

This is the best Ancient Greek App I have found so far. The quiz is perfect and rock-solid and the interface is familiar within minutes.


An impressive app, very useful. It would be greatly improved, though, if adverbs were added into vocab or their own section.

Extremely helpful!

Marvelous, marvelous app for those trying to make stick in our memories the myriad Greek verb/noun/etc forms. A great help. Thank you for making this!!


This app is great. It has helped me so much.

Great app!

Love this app. Great vocab lists!

Ten Words at a Time?

This app only lets you drill with ten words at a time. Its overall word bank is extensive, but being limited to just a few at a time on any given level severely compromises any pedagogical merit. For those of us who are already familiar with Greek and just want to review, this app lacks the utility of, say, a pack of flash cards.

σὺν Ἀθηνᾷ καὶ χεῖρα κίνει

This app is best used in conjunction with Smyth's Greek Grammar as well as a course book of your choice. I'm using Pharr's Homeric Greek but you could just a easily use an Attic or Koine textbook. The app itself works very well within its limitations.

Conjugations are no good!

I picked this app out because of the reviews, & because other Ancient Greek apps have been slammed for their various inaccuracies. Unfortunately, in spite of a valiant attempt, this app falls short as well. I have repeatedly come across instances in which the verb conjugations differ from those given in Athenaze I & II, enough I've become very leery of trusting the various conjugations. If I'm going to pick an authoritative source, Athenaze wins out over an iPhone app. Just sad there isn't anything out there up to par to help those learning this language!

I am seriously in LOVE with this app!

This app is extremely useful in my studying and reviewing of Ancient Greek. Honestly I can't think of any improvements save one, make this same exact app again but for Biblical Hebrew please please please! There isn't any app like this for modern and Biblical Hebrew verbs parsing that is remotely as polished as this one and I promise my Greek/Hebrew class and I will definitely buy it because we know how effective this app is for our Greek.

Fantastic app for practicing Greek on the go

Clear, well-organized, excellent overall. I'm learning Attic Greek with Mastonarde's text, but use this app to practice when I'm on the go. I highly recommend it.

Must-Have App for Quick Learning and Reviewing

I'm a Classics major and enrolled in an intensive Ancient Greek beginning course. We move really fast, and this app helps me keep up with the material. I love the ability to be able to quiz myself over the noun and verb paradigms. I also have the LP Latin, and it's also amazing with reviewing especially verbs. I recommend this and the Latin app for students who are struggling or would like a fun, alternative way to review paradigms. Writing out the paradigms is boring. Trust me. I know. I wish I knew about the app when I was learning Latin. This app definitely helps me keep up with the intensive course pace.

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